Alexander, James Wadell – 1804-1859; American, Presbyterian; pastor, teacher, writer, and translator of German, Greek, and Latin hymns.
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

Baker, Henry W. – 1821-1877; English, Anglican. Vicar of Monkland, Herefordshire, Baker was also a hymn writer and hymn translator.
Of the Father’s Love Begotten

Baker, Theodore – 1851-1934; American. Baker was a literary editor and translator for G. Schirmer, Inc., in New York City.
We Gather Together

Baring-Gould, Sabine – 1834-1924; English, Anglican priest. Baring-Gould was a man of many talents: biographer, translator, hymn writer (author of “Onward, Christian Soldiers”), a collector of folk lore and folk music, and much more.
The Angel Gabriel

Benson, Louis F. – 1855-1930; American, Presbyterian. A lawyer who turned clergy, took up his pastorate in Germantown, PA. Benson did extensive work with church hymnody, writing his own hymns as well as translating a number of German-language verses into English, as well as compile several collections into hymnals.
O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright

Bergen, Esther – 1921-2005; Canadian, Mennonite. Esther was the daughter of a Mennonite minister, and later would go to the mission field in Mexico with her husband Menno Bergen. She is credited with translating more than 150 hymns and composing several hymn tunes.
All My Sins Have Been Forgiven

Borthwick, Jane L. – 1813-1897; Scottish. The daughter of an insurance business manager, Miss Borthwick, along with her sister is responsible for the translation of lyrics found in Hymns from the Land of Luther (1854).
Be Still, My Soul

Breuchner, H. – Many names in hymnody are synonymous with anonymous. Breuchner is one of those names; a silent contributor known only to the Father above.
By Grace I Am an Heir of Heaven

Bridges, Robert – 1844-1930; English, Anglican. Bridges was a physician until 1882, when he devoted his life to literature full-time. He was made the poet laureate in England in 1913. Bridges edited and published the Yattendon Hymnal in 1899. Fourty-eight of the hymns were translated by Bridges.
Ah Holy Jesus

Campbell, Jane M. – 1817-1878; English. The daughter of the Rev. A. Montgomery Campbell, an Anglican clergyman. Miss Campbell was a teacher in her fathers parish school, and she translated a number of German hymn lyrics, but is best known for We Plow the Fields, and Scatter.
We Plow the Fields, and Scatter

Campbell, Robert – 1814-1868; Scottish, Presbyterian, then Episcopalian, then Roman Catholicism. Campbell translated many Latin hymns.
At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing

Caswall, Edward – 1814-1878; English, Anglican clergy. Caswall converted to Roman Catholicism in 1850. He translated Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee from the Latin, and When Morning Gilds the Skies from the German.
– Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
– When Morning Gilds the Skies

Chandler, John – 1806 -1876; English, Anglican clergy. Chandler was a prolific translator of Latin verse.
O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart’s Desire

Cox, Frances E. – 1812 -1897; English, Anglican. Prolific translator of German hymns.
All Praise to God Who Reigns Above

Foster, Frederick W. – 1760 – 1835; English, Moravian minister and writer and translator of numerous hymns. He is credited with compiling the Moravian Hymn Book and several subsequent supplements.
God Himself Is with Us

Hedge, Frederick H. – 1805 – 1890; American, Unitarian pastor. Hedge was educated at Harvard and in Germany. He was a writer, editor, and translator of German hymns, most notably A Might Fortress Is Our God.
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Lang, J. D. – 1799-1878; Australian, but Scottish-born. Presbyterian minister. Translator of German hymns.
Jesus Lives, and So Shall I

Luther, Martin – 1483-1546; German, Catholic monk turned Lutheran founder and clergyman, musician, and translator of this Latin hymns, which was then later translated into English
– Savior of the Nations, Come

Massie, Richard – 1800-1887; English, Anglican. A Translator and publisher of two books of German hymns.
Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands
– From Depths of Woe I Raise to Thee

Mattes, John C. – 1876-1948; American. Not much could be found about John Mattes.
-Behold, a Branch Is Growing

Miller, John – 1756-1810; Moravian minister serving in England and Ireland. Translator of German hymns.
God Himself Is with Us

Neale, John M. – 1818-1866; English, Anglican. Neale was ordained in the Anglican church but ill health and sympathies with the Oxford Movement kept him from serving as a clergyman. Noted primarily as a fine translator of Greek and Latin verse.
Good Christian Men, Rejoice
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Of the Father’s Love Begotten
All Glory Laud and Honor
Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation

Palmer, Ray – 1808-1887; American, Congregational Pastor. A prolific hymn writer and translator of ancient Latin hymns.
Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts

Reynolds, William M. 1812-1876; American, Episcopalian minister, and president of several univerisities. Reynolds translated Savior of the Nations, Come from German. which Martin Luther translated from Latin.
Savior of the Nations, Come

Schaefer, William J. 1891-1976; No biographical information could be found on Schaefer, despite his living well into the 20th century.
Wondrous King, All-Glorious

Smith, Elizabeth Lee – 1817-1898; American, daughter of Dr. W. Allen, President of Dartmouth University, and wife of Dr. H. B. Smith, a Professor at Union Theological Seminary, New York.
I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art

Spaeth, Harriet R. – 1845-1925; American, Lutheran, wife of Adolph Spaeth, pastor and president of the General Council of the Lutheran Church in America. Harriet played piano and organ, was an accomplished singer, and translated numerous German hymns.
Behold, a Branch Is Growing

Wesley, John – 1703-1791; English, Methodist minister. John Wesley, unlike his brother Charles, was not a prolific hymn writer. He is better known for his translations of thirty-three Moravian hymns.
Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness

Williams, William – 1717-1791; Welsh, Anglican turned Calvinistic Methodist minister. Williams preached all over Wales. He wrote the hymn listed below in his native Welsh, and later, along with his brother Peter, translated it into English.
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

Williams, Peter – 1723-1796; Welsh, Anglican turned Calvinistic Methodist minister. Much like his Brother William, Peter traveled all of Wales and was instrumental in the Welsh revival of the eighteenth century.
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

Winkworth, Catherine – 1827-1878; English, Anglican daughter of a silk merchant. She translated nearly 400 German hymns into English, with a close, meticulous care. She was a great admirer of John Wesley for his translation of thirty-three hymns into English, and refused to translate anything he had already translated, despite the fact that Wesley’s translations were more free and less accurate.
All My Heart This Night Rejoices
– Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word
– From Heaven Above to Earth I Come
– If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee
– O Dearest Jesus
– Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
– Rise, My Soul, to Watch and Pray
– Soul Adorn Thyself with Gladness

Yattendon Hymnal – 1899; An influential hymnal of exactly 100 hymns edited by Robert and Monica Bridges, and Ellis Wooldridge, for the parish church at Yattendon, Berkshire, England. Fourty-eight of the hymn lyrics were translated by Robert Bridges.
Ah Holy Jesus

Young, John Freeman – 1820-1885; American, Episcopal minister, serving in several states, eventually becoming the second bishop of Florida in 1867. In addition to translating numerous hymns, Young had a great interest in church architecture and advised at new church construction at various parishes where he served.
Silent Night, Holy Night